Control 101: Types of Control, Types of Controllers
Recorded Thursday, May 29, 2014 at Lesman Instrument Company
Bonus Material: Visit our YouTube channel to watch Dan's video, walking you through how to use AccuTune, Honeywell's automatic tuning feature, on UDC series loop controllers. (8 minutes)
About our speaker: Dan Weise, Lesman product specialist, is an instructor for training classes on process instrumentation hardware, software, and technology. Dan has been involved in all facets of data acquisition and process instrumentation since 1978, from sales and commissioning to service and support. He's a long-time member of ISA, and has been with Lesman since 1988. Dan is the primary contributor to our process solutions blog, and routinely travels to Lesman customers to help solve their instrumentation problems and help them get the most out of the technologies they use.
In his words, Dan's the guy "who reads all the manuals nobody else reads". In Lesman customers' words, he's the trainer to call if you want to "cut to the SO WHAT of instrumentation", so it's easy to understand.
We thank Dan for sharing his expertise with our customers.
Learn more about our complete control products offering.