Honeywell IFM Model 600 Ultra Flame Rod Signal Processor

Price $1,908.91

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Honeywell's Model 600 ultra flame rod is a reliable rectification flame detecting system. It measures the rectified current from a flame rod and closes the flame relay if the current exceeds the value for the flame-on setpoint.

Honeywell's Model 600 ultra flame rod is a reliable rectification flame detecting system. It measures the rectified current from a flame rod and closes the flame relay if the current exceeds the value for the flame-on setpoint. The 600U can also drive an ignition coil as part of an ignitor assembly. Or it can be used as an ignition transformer, using the controller's power relay to turn on the AC power of an external ignition transformer.

  • Signal processor with DIN-rail mounting, plug-in terminals, pushbutton keypad, and status LEDs
  • 0.7A input current for monitoring, 0.3A input for ignition control
  • Outputs: DPDT flame relay, DPST ignition transformer relay
  • Compatible with flame rods, voltage 175 VAC at 115/230 VAC input
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