Honeywell Kromschroder PFU780 Burner Control

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Price $518.00
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The Honeywell Kromschroder PFU780 oversees the light-off sequence for piloted industrial burners.

The Honeywell Kromschroder PFU780 oversees the light-off sequence for piloted industrial burners. It has an electronic design that reacts quickly, making it suitable for frequent cycling operations. The PFU780 can be used with industrial burners of unlimited capacity that are ignited by pilot burners. Flexible configurations allow the pilot and main burners to be controlled and monitored independently. The PFU780 is commonly used for burners with a mechanical combustion air supply where the fan is controlled by a separate logic or it is used for atmospheric burners.

The PFU780 reduces the load of the central furnace by taking over tasks related to the burner, such as ensuring the burner ignites in a safe condition when it’s restarted. Program status, unit parameters and flame signal level can be read directly on the unit. The PFU780 is compatible with the BCSoft software system.

The PFU780L has an air valve controller, and can be used to assist the furnace control for cooling, purging and capacity control tasks.

  • Plug-in function unit for mounting in 19" module subracks
  • Output currents up to 18 mA at 60 Hz
  • 20%, 33%, or 100% duty cycle options available
  • PFU 780L has an air valve controller that relieves furnace control
  • Separate flame control for pilot burner and main burner by UV, ionization or by using the furnace chamber temperature
  • Compatible with BCSoft software
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