A-T Controls Series AS Teflon® PFA-Lined Butterfly Valves

Prices starting at:
Price $600.00
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Wafer and lug-style Teflon PFA encapsulated butterfly valves for severe chemical and corrosive services.

Series AS Teflon PFA encapsulated butterfly valves offer reliable corrosion resistance in severe chemicals and corrosive applications. They come in wafer or lugged styles and offer bidirectional, bubble-tight shutoff.

Common applications include: hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), nitric acid (HNO3), phosphoric acid (H3PO4), wet chlorine (Cl2), and aqua regia.

  • Valves available in standard 2" to 24"
  • Temperature range: -20° to 335° F
  • Pressure rating: to 150 PSI
  • Epoxy-coated WCB body
  • Three seal protection: PTFE seat, O-ring, and PTFE V-seal ring
  • Lug or wafer styles
  • Direct mount to pneumatic or electric Triac® actuators
  • Avoid use in abrasive services
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